Maksud platonik ialah hubungan persahabatan di antara lelaki dan perempuan yang sangat akrab tanpa wujudnya perasaan cinta.
Guess what ?
The moment you finished reading the statement above, you'll have someone that pops into your head. Is it ? Maybe. Maybe not. But mostly, maybe.
I don't wanna talk about how Plato decides to name it platonic based on his research or something. You can google it yourself.
The thing is, look around.
There's always this one situation, when actually you're more than friends. But you kept on denying it. When actually both of you understands each other so well more than anyone else. But maybe both of you are afraid that things may have changed when you decided to go further.
They say,
A boy and a girl can never be just 'friends'. They will fall for each other. Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, or maybe forever.
Bila hati kata ya, tapi mulut kata tak.
Hati tu lagi menguasai diri kita. Kau tahu ?
Simpanlah kau perasaan itu pun. Kau kunci dalam diri kau senyap senyap. Biar semua orang taktahu. Tapi kadang kadang, kau tak perlu kata. Orang boleh nampak.
There's always someone that could understand us more than we can ever imagine, if they're just your friends. But think twice.
When you know that they're always there for you through thick and think. They're always there when you need a shoulder to cry on. They're always there to make you happy. What more can you possibly wish for ?
Be thankful.
Tak semua orang ada orang yang mampu buat dia macamtu,walaupun bukan buah hati kau. Kadang kadang, jaga kau lebih dari buah hati kau sebelum ni.
Tapi yang aku tahu, mungkin tak selamanya bila dah macam belangkas memahami isi hati masing masing tapi tak pernah terasa sayang. Tipu kan ?
Mulut boleh tipu. Hati sendiri, kau sendiri yang tahu. Itu kau tak boleh tipu.
Tapi jangan risau, Aku tetap tahu batas aku.
"Kadang kala kita terlupa, persahabatan antara lelaki dan perempuan jika kena caranya, akan lebih bertahan lama berbanding menjalin hubungan cinta."
Enadhiya :)