Friday 16 December 2011

tHose laSt of IT!!!

waahh..hujan2 rindu pulak kat sume org..

dah tak dapat jumpe korang lagi...

rindu,,perangai korang yang giler..


last jamuan wif u all...rindu meyh..

nice cake..

jamuan yang macam ngek...

hehe,,present dye taley bla...

ade ker aku dapat senapang,,by then bergune jugak mamat 2..

bagi aq lagi satu present,,

dapat lar shirt,,,nice one...


last day with baju sekolah..

will miss that moment...hehe...

this picture capture by nuyyul:)

during my last paper...

ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY!!!!! hahaha...buku teros campak dlm tong jer....

perhh,,stylo abes,,,good bye stj...good bye school student..

hehe,,takku sangka sudah 5 tahun bertapa di stj,,sekarang dah tamat pengajianku,,pejam celik..pejam celik 5 tahun,,,,

seronok+sedeyh,,macam2 ade kat otak....

by the way,,,everything about you all i'll never forget,,luv ya alll