Saturday, 4 August 2012

Expect the worst

Today , the feeling is like something not right..
I dont know the reason why . One thing for sure, as normal people we will always want to know something, eagerly wanna know. But the fact is, we really afraid of the truth , of the answer, the result. The pain part is when u put too much hopes , hoping that the truth will make u smile but it is then will be vice versa.

 But how strong am I to stop putting those hopes in self. How wise am I to strictly tell my mind to be rational and stop predicting and wondering?It's not wrong to hope, to wonder : ) But it is such a hard moment to wait something that is not sure weither it will at last make u smile or let u feel stupid, dumb person. And that is why be honest , confess the truth , are importnt to finally stop all the wonders ,hopes and questions in my  mind. But that is what I fail to do usually haha! 

I mean sometimes I do not have enough guts to say the truth, to confess the real thing . sebab memang tak berani , pastu takut kalau at last, the answers will hurt me back haha so macam menyakitkan hati je kan. So what I always do, I just go with the flow, cuma kadang2 ar macam terlebih kalut kan haha kata perempuan. Doesnt matter la, results exam ke, or that thingy ehem ke anythin, I always have this negative minded to think that ' IT GONNA BE BAD TRUST ME '  haha so that's why I am so worried of those hopes exist in myself.

 Worried if they will be bad and hard to heal later : ( And the worstt part is.....If I let other people to hope on me .. Awhh please dont please dont.. U should first see If Im givin good respon to u or not. 

Tu jeOkay laGoodluck me and readers! : )