Have you ever wondered, how much sacrifices some people tend to make just for your sake of happiness ? No ? Yeah, sometimes you're just too blind to see or even realize what some people would do for you.
They're so much sacrifices in this world.
As a parents to their daughter/son, a friend to a friend, a true friend to a friend, a sibling to a sibling, and for sure, a lover to the one he/she loves.
Sometimes, we are so blinded by what we demand, till we forget about what we should be thankful for. There are times, when you want something so bad tak kira lah barang atau masa or apa pun. Yang buat hati kau meronta ronta nak sampai lah kau dapat, you'll feel happy about it. But, did you ever noticed the sacrifices that were made along those journeys ?
How about when your parents sacrifices, trying to give you happiness. Trying to give you a better education. Trying to fulfill your needs for your desire of shopping or gadgets or whatever you can think of. To be true, the sacrifices that our parents made just for us, kita takkan mampu beri balik yang sama. Orang kata, mak bapak boleh jaga 16 anak. Tapi tak tentu 16 anak tu boleh jaga mak bapak yang hanyalah dua bilangan dia. Kau tahu apa yang aku nampak sekarang ? In my opinion, yang berlambak lambak aku nampak budak belasan tahun yang bersekolah whining about parents kong kong. Tak rasa freedom. Nak bebas, nak pergi universiti jauh jauh live life. Parents kerja membebel. Eh, tu lah. You know what, bare this on your mind. Never, ever say that to your parents. Sekarang umur kau belasan tahun kau cakap macamtu, nanti umur kau 20 lebih pun bila susah mak bapak kau yang tolong kau juga tahu ? Kau nak hidup bebas ? Kau nak live life ? Nanti, makin kau dah besar. Baru kau tahu keluarga yang engkau perlukan saat kau jatuh. Sebab family takkan tinggalkan kau macam mana fake friends and fake lovers tinggalkan kau. Sekarang memang kau takkan nampak, tapi makin kau dewasa, semua spotlight ke arah tu je. Think about it, friends:[
Between a friend, and a friend.
Growing up. The older you get, the more you realize that friends do come and go. I can't deny about that. One thing for sure is true friends are limited. You can have up to thousands of friends, but at the end of the day, the friends that you'll grow old with remembering all the good times being young and alive, helping you thru thick and thin, are less than 10. Or even 5. Kadang kadang, kawan tikam belakang. Ada juga,kawan yang setia. Tapi, kadang kadang kalau kau perasan. Manusia susah nak nampak apa yang kawan dia sanggup sacrifice untuk dia. Manusia ni,semua ada masalah. Andaikata lah satu situasi A & B. Dua dua ada masalah yang berat. Selalunya,salah satu dari A or B tu akan mengalah. Taknak cerita masalah dia,sebab B tengah ada masalah. As a friend,dia nakkan masalah kawan dia reda dulu. Takpun, bila kau sesat barat tah mana mana tak ada orang nak pickup malam malam. Bila kau tak ada duit, bila nak cover cabut sekolah ke apa. Tu semua kawan kawan kau juga yang tolong kau. Sepanjang kau membesar, memang sacifice from a friend tu banyak. Kalau aku state semuanya,kau takkan nampak. Tapi, you have to realize that true friends are like siblings to you. You shall learn to appreciate all the things they did for you, even if it's the smallest things. Because, some how or rather, it proves they care.
A lover, towards he/her lover.
For sure. In a relationship, takkan lah tak ada sacrifices ? Bila kau sanggup mrentas desa berjam jam hanya nak jumpa cinta hati kau yang rindu kan kau. Bila kau sanggup kumpul duit tak makan, untuk nak belikan hadiah untuk orang yang kau sayang. Bila kau sanggup bangun tidur malam malam, sebab nak teman dia takboleh tidur. Bila kau sanggup rendahkan ego kau bila kau gaduh and minta maaf,just to end a fight. All of it counts. You just have to realize all that. All the small things count. Sebab sebenarnya,detail detail yang kecil tu yang indah sebenarnya. The 'true love sacrifices,and just..love'. Everyone has an option of leaving. But the test is, if they would still stay with you even if leaving is much easier. Sacrifices are everywhere people. Spread the love.
Rather than sacrifices in a relationship, there's one more thing.
Sacrifices, towards someone that is more than just your friend, but less than your lover. THIS. Is everywhere. Berleluasa. Orang yang sebenarnya tak ada apa apa pada kita,tak ada ikatan apa. Tapi disebabkan sayang, dia sanggup berkorban untuk nakkan kita happy. Sometimes it ended up as a wonderful thing, and sometimes it hurts when it's gone. Don't deny, its true that sometimes kita susah nak nampak apa yang orang sanggup korbankan untuk kita. Kadang kadang,ada yang sanggup sacrifice lebih dari lover kita sendiri. Sebab dia sayang kita,tapi at that time the life of our life tak appreciate kita. We just have to open up our eyes, and see the good things that people would do to make us happy. Not to tear us apart, that kind of people shall rot in hell. K language. Sorry.
My point is, just appreciate and value the people that sacrifice something for you.
Because if you don't, somebody else will.
Before it's too late. Value their presence, and don't let them down.
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