To be honest, I am not the type of girl who fancy super classy romantic first dates. You may think that I want a classy money throwing first date, but actually, all I want is nothing more, than a wonderful time spent together. In my case, if I can think of on a first perfect date is : I want something sweet, yet something worth to remember for.
And sometimes, I think it's the best date yang tak payah lontar duit
berlambak lambak macam kau bawak RM 10 20 cukup je lah :) Berapa duit yang kau habis tu tak penting, yang penting masa yang kau habiskan dgn orang yang kau sayang kan. Tu pendapat aku la. Tapi ada orang suka yang fancy pergi makan high class semua yg dia boleh classify kan as romantic, tu lantak kau la.

1. Take me out for a drink
2. You and I we scream for Ice - cream :)
I think it's sweet, when your date takes you out for an ice cream treat. Lagi lagi bila kau tgh tension. Kalau, kalau la eh ada orang nak belanja aku ice cream, aku tak kisah lah ice cream baskin robins ke apa menatang even ice cream satu cone rm 1.50 pun aku on je ok aku bukan nye materialistik. Cuba jangan input kan dalam otak yang benda murah tak bagi memory yang berharga. Jangan nak berkira. Hmm -.- Ice cream choc mint yang warna hijau, tht's wht I always have in mind when I want some ice cream. Or even vanilla. Sebab tu nama aku dekat ym ohnamievanilly :) Hihi.
3. Do something together.
Maksud aku do something together tu tak ada kena mengena dgn check in hotel okay tolong mindset tu ubah sket. HESH ! Hihi. Em. Do something together, tak kira lah pergi bookstore ke together pergi picnic ke apa. Best jugak apa pergi picnic, kau masak ah pape. Sebab orang kata, ways to get into a man's heart is through his stomach. Dan aku rasa untuk stomach sayang aku tu macam banyak sangat memang kena usahakan sebab orang macam dia ni tak pernah kenal erti kenyang aku rasa -.- and dia pon suka makan .
4. Window Shopping.
What I mean by window shopping bukan pergi Ikea or any hardware store shopping tingkap ok. -.- Tu macam confirm bodoh and makan penyepak je. Sebenarnya tak salah, bila kau pokai tgk wallet keluar lalat ke kupu kupu ke kalau keluar tenuk pun tak apa. Window shopping tu kira macam kau browse barang. Saje pusing pusing tgk barang. Spend time jugak kau dgn dia kan. It's fun actually. And ye, kalau aku yang nak window shopping pun, memandangkan aku ni cerewet kan. Aku susah sikit nak cakap 'ye' dekat shopping2 center yang macam crowded terlalu crowded mampat kalah ikan sardin dalam tin. Annoying, and panas ok. Serta merta boleh buat aku fed up and meluat and tah pape. Aku lagi prefer tempat yang chill chill je tak serabut.
The reason aku tak mention pasal watching movies sebenarnye sebab pada 'aku', nak tengok wayang on first day tu macam..hmm.entah. tak prefer kut. Sebab macam kau tgk screen instead of kau betul betul ada communication dengan orang tu. Macam aku lagi rela tgk johnny depp dkt screen dari tgk muka kau macam -.- Jadi sebab tu aku kureng berkenan sikit dgn movies ni lagi lagi kalau baru baru. Ambil masa sikit. Best tgk wayang,tapi lambat sikit la. Kalau kita baru baru lagi, why don't we have a conversation with each other. Kalau betul kau ada interest, kau lagi nak tahu apa yang ada dalam diri org yg kau sayang dari dalam panggung wayang kan.
6. Go For A walk date.
This is the most,senang cerita benda yang aku suka gila. Entah. I don't even know why. It just brings tht great feeling when ur the one you want to spend ur life, walking in the park together, or at the beach for sunset, or even, just anywhere. Walking together.. Somewhere in your heart, you feel so comfortable and secure when ur with him. And to be true, it's the most greatest thing I can cherish. If you will be always by my side sayang:]

You may think that I am a boring person, heck yes. But one thing for sure. Like I said earlier, i dont care anywhere we go, even if it's no where. You should cherish it while you still have. Because not everything stays the same, unless you'll work it out and have effort on it. I don't need any classy money throwing sort of date, what I need was your time, and you beside me.
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