I know, I've said a million, trillion times.
If you love someone, you shall accept every inch of them. Their good and bad traits in them.
But, can you imagine one thing.
Sometimes, you do have to think out of the box.
Aku tahu, yang bila orang itu sayangkan kita, dia sayangkan kita walaupun kita tak sempurna. Kita tak perfect. Kita serba kekurangan. Kita hilang sabar, kita cepat marah, kita cepat merajuk and other things as well.
Pernah tak engkau terfikir. Ya, walaupun ada masa dia terguris dengan perangai engkau tapi dia masih menerima engkau. Sampai bila ? Semua manusia ada limit masing masing, termasuk diri kamu sendiri. Kau tahu, kan ? Bukan aku nak kata yang manusia akan give up, itu pun ya.
Dari kau terang-terang buta kan mata dia untuk terima kau seadanya, tak pernah ke kau mengambil inisiatif untuk berubah ? Demi kebaikan berdua. Tak, aku bukan katakan ni sebab aku suka suka nak kata. I'm serious.
As much as I want people to accept me the way I am, and I will accept them the way the are. I want to be someone better too. Same goes to what I want in them. Mungkin bukan untuk kebaikan berdua, tapi kebaikan diri kau sendiri. Aku tahu, ada yang terima baik buruk kita. Tapi, takkan selamanya kita nak lihat depan cermin, dan tak terasa nak baik pulihkan diri kita sendiri ?
Aku, sendiri nak.
When someone loves you to the core, and they really do, and they find it hard to leave you behind, that's not an excuse for you to keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again. You can't keep taking them for granted on loving you too much to let go. You know that..
For example, maybe ur dealing with someone who cheats on you for another girl. After facing all of those hardships, trying to forgive and forget, you're trying to maintain a strong relationship even if it's on the rocks. But, trust me. Not everyone is trying so hard to keep their promises for the second time.
Why ?
Why, just why did you take them for granted when they decided to give you chances instead of giving up on you. Have you ever thought about it ?
Hakikatnya, sesetengah manusia tak akan pernah sedar. Aku tahu, aku pasti.
Memang, ada manusia akan memaafkan segala salah silap kau. Menerima segala baik buruk kau, sebab dia sayang kau. Tapi, kadang kadang, manusia tu berharap agar kau berubah dan cuba hargai dia seadanya. Macam mana dia cuba hargai kau by not walking away and forgive you for the things you've done wrong.
It's not easy. But, if you're willing to do it, you're sure as hell worth keeping.
Sometimes, sorry doesn't always fix things:]
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