Tuesday, 29 January 2013

im strong ^^

I promise to my self..
to be strong, that nothing can disturb my peace of mind
to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet
to make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them :)
to look at the sunny side of everything 
and make my optimism come true
to think only of the best,
to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best!

I promise to my self..
to wear a cheerful expression at all times
and give a smile to every living creature I meet
to be too large for worry
too noble for anger, too strong for fear
toohappy to permit the presence of trouble

I promise to my self..
to live in faith that the whole world is on my side
so long as I am true to the best,
that is in me :')

Tears, tears, please go away! Please do not come back another day :')

The thing which does not kill me,

 makes me stronger ^^V

Enadhiya :)

Thursday, 24 January 2013


It seems to come slow.
It seems to be a surgery.ForgivenessHealingSobriety.Letting go.Starting over.It seems to happen slowly over time.One day at a time, the choice made each morning.Will you fight ?Will you fight to be healthy ?Will you fight to be free ?Will you fight for your story ?Will you fight to get the help you need ?Likewise, when there is pain, hope will follow.So hold on, hope is coming.

Monday, 21 January 2013

*study mode on*

It really hot out there
And I, currently tersadai kat atas katil :3
Waiting for a prince to come and make my day
Wait and wait and waitttt
Wasting my time, surfing the internet
And do all the haha-ing thing alone! Haha, sadly
Yeah, sadly :( *lap air mata*
Hello, guys, dont look at me with your troll-to-be face
Please. Im not used to be lonely. 
Terpaksa berseorangan, as Sha just ring my phone once
And I didnt manage to answer it on the dot, phathetically :(

So then, in order to pretend that Im happy
 with what I am doing now, at the moment.
Me, surfing the internet like an internet maniac :3
But the fact is, Im not! :B Hehe
But then, suddenly, I click on a link and in just a second
this little troll page came out -,-

Seriously, rasa terkena tau takkk ?? -,-
Ohh, Sampainya hatimuuu, memerli dirikuuuu *singing*
Haha. Okay enough. 
Thanks for reminding me to stay focus.
Geology exam gonna hit by tomorrow
So, Bye bye Twitter, Facebook, Babyblog and etc
And Hye hye tutorial, uniwork, notes and so sooo onn.
Exam Exam Exammm! *holding sepanduk* :B
K, tata, Assalamualaikum :)

*Start revising notes*
..Krikk Krikk Krikkk..

Enadhiya :)


the one and only option
for everyone in every day.
stay strong and hold on
you'll go far

Sunday, 13 January 2013


Hye :)

 Posting this while listening 'warmness on the soul ' :)


Basically people will have this good perception on 'silence' ..
Because we always think that it will be the best way or the best
 solution in every chaos or problems. But how faR is it true ?

Before I write further, would like to stress it up that, 
this is all my personal opinion, sorry for any unmutual thoughts 
with u readers ..okay? :D

So let's narrowing this thing to 'solving problem with silence '.
 To me. There are certain things that can be handled with silence .
 Maybe it is preferable because we want to avoid any harsh action
 involved to solve them ,or thing that
 always come out is   ' xnak panjangkan cerita ' ..PLAY SAFE

And some people choose to have 'silence' as the solution is
 because they donot know how to solve it efficiently . 
so jalan paling mudah , 'silence'SENANG XPAYAH PIKIR APA

.Another people may come out with the reason
 ' biarlah  biar dia buat kita jangan kita buat dia' .

Okay so what else .. naa another one that always be the 
reason of people choosing 'silence' to solve problem is because
Ha this occurs when we're handling things with maybe someone
 elder ,seniors, parents or family. 
One of the factor also will be 'nak jaga hati' .

So do you have anything else in mind why do people choose 
'silence' to solve thinga?

Hmm it's too subjective to talk about actually..
We are facing this everyday in our life it's either we face it by
 ourselves or happen to people around us or maybe in tv? 
 The situation of      ' do we need to do something or just keep
 silent' . I agree, sometimes we do really2 need to shut our 
mouth up,
accept whatever is happening for certain reasons. 
Betul lah kadang2 disebabkan nak jaga hati orang tu, 
kalau benda
 tu salah pun kita terpaksa la diam xbanyak bunyi.
 Kadang2 jugak , pasal respect. WE LAWAN WE MATI ..
haa if that case , then silence will be preferable .

BUTT! okay not butt, it's BUT.. how far can 'silence' solve the
 problem, clear the messy, smooth the way and stop the chaos . 
Sometimes when it comes to our right that need to be preserved 
well, need to be protected ,highly protected, silence is not the 
best way. 
hak tetap hak. bila dah masuk hal yang melibatkan hak atau 
 then we should fight. 
That's why we learn debate owh haha okay that's why we have 
To show that we should fight for it , stand and get the winning 

stand for the right! .
Well we cannot say  yang benda2 jahat pun nak ditegakkan ke?
 ha that needs our own intelligence to think on ur own, 
are u fighting for the right one or vice versa.
 to think wisely are things that we fight for is correct?
 If u are on fault side then u better step back bro .silent!

Not that we want to be people that keep complaining but yea as 
what I always said apa apa pun back to rationality of ur own self. 
If u think u have to stand and voice out for rational thing,
 that please do . But if not.
then maybe we should just keep silent and let another party 
to solve or judge it. 

Sometime some people just like me ,kinda a detail oriented
kita selalu macam membangkitkan sesuatu benda yang 
xkena pada kita berbanding dengan orang yang less detail
 type of person kan. 
That's y if anything happen even if it is small that others 
may think we should just handle it with silent, but to me
 we cannot. 
We have to make it in a better way than silent because on my 
view most of the time la, that if we choose silent as the way from
 beginning till the end, it shows the effortless there
 But undeniable memang sometimes in certain case
And my damn detail criteria will turn out to be the most care less
 person in certain situation with certain people :)

So that are. Sometimes when we silentdari sudut positivenya ,
 orang akan cakap kita ni senang nak compromise, 
tolerated person dari segi salasilahnya will look much
 better ofcourse. 
Negativenya, orang boleh cakap kita ni easy to handle 
easy to play with , like kalau kita buat apa pun dia xkisah punya ,
 boleh pijak lagi kepala. 
so how if vice versa? positively we will be slightly respected if we
 can handle something only if it succeed .
 then mungkin orang tak pandang enteng kat kita like if
 they wanna do or say something they will atleast think twice to 
remmber that this person is not easy-to-get easy-to-pancing
Negatively, this type of person will be labeled as keras kepala ,
 banyak songeh kuat complain suka make things bigger and etc.

To me is simple. Depends on situation when should we silent and 
when should we act and voice out .
 But honestly I dont really agree with people that always, 
always choose to have silence in almost everything that happen .
I know there are millions of reason why beyond it but just
 be rational la..
asyik nak diam je biar je go with the flow xklua effort let 
everything happen just like that, let people make fun or dumb u,
 sekali sekala acceptable la okay but if continuously pun
 macam stupidity jugakla.. 
But if too much voicing out pun xboleh jugak coz it will be
 annoying and harmful in certain way .
 So kena balancing . 
Maybe with the power of one word or one statement, 
things will go wow ? who knows.

For my life so far I think I rarely choose silence. 
To me everything has their own solution that must be solved with communication and good skills in handling things. 
I rarely have silence as choice because that's so not me.
 hehe usually so far if anything that mess up with me
 I will just atleast not saying cari pasal balikla but give
 them something jut to show Im not stupid and that weak
 and fragile esay to dumb. 
Like the guys yg pernah mess up with me ke that one lady 
my senior 
dlu kat sekolah dlu, I received much advice to just let them after
 what theyve done to me but my way is, I need to talk to them .
Im not harming them just need to communicate.
 Silence with people that messing up with me sometimes show my weakness maybe. 
But ! when it comes to keadaan2 tertentu macam respect,
 rules seumpamanya, ha I need to put all those professional 
matter infront :)

And another example is in relationship,friendship.
 Communication is the best way .always be. If something that u
 think u need to tell for the sake of the relatiohip than u tell.
 But maybe u think that ala diam jela simpan sendiri let me keep
 this alone so things will not get fucked up benda xjadi besar, okay. 
Rationally, dont keep if u feel not okay on something 
Sebab how long je things can be kept inside ,one day soon or later 
simpan punya simpan, last2 burst out mcm gunung berapi 
baru tau.
 Kesabaran kan ada batas so mana tau selama ni sabar sebab
 tu keep silent , sabar hilang? Silence jadi violence -,-
 Then if truth revealed one day ,
 ha jadi issue jugak because u kept silent before kan..

Another thing. sometimes we havin so much pain inside
 that make us dah malas dah nak fit things right so
 silence will be choosed :) lantak nak jadi apa 

p/s : Ada jugak orang yang xkan choose SILENCE not because
 they think it is needed or rational to fight for or whatesoeva, 
They just cant let their ego low. Xbran la if silent kan xjantan.. 
hmm pergi mana je ego tu,,

So apa2pun back to our own rationality :)


Friday, 11 January 2013

Just Go With The Flow

jodoh semua ada di tangan pencipta kita.
Dia yang tentukan dengan siapa,bila masa,macam mana bertemu.

kadang-kadang,kita rasa macam kita yang control segala watak bila kita buat itu ini,segalanya akan jadi macam yang sepatutnya.
kalau dah "Dia" kata jodoh itu bukan milik kita,tetap tidak akan jadi milik kita. Hati kita,akan ada di tangan orang lain untuk harri yang mendatang.
Sebab tu kadang-kadang susah,bila kita dah bina harapan tinggi gunung yang paling tinggi dalam hati kita tapi akhirnya tak kesampaian.Bila kita mencuba sedaya upaya untuk bentukkan balik keadaan, tapi in the end macam kita merana kan diri sendiri. Tapi setiap kali kau rasa nak give up,kau takut kau rugi.

Complicated,isn't it?
Sebab tu,susah nak buat pilihan. Dan tidak semua yang kita buat itu terbaik untuk diri kita. So kita kena ingat satu perkara,,TAK SEMUA INDAH DI MATA KITA,INDAH DI MATA ALLAH.

Sebab tu aku pernah kata,dalam setiap pilihan yang kita buat tetap akan ada consequencesnya.
Kalau Allah dah tentukan apa yang kita buat tu memang betul, mungkin rahmat untuk kita melimpah ruah. Bila Allah tahu itu lah masa yang paling tepat untuk menguji kita dengan segala musibah, itu lah masa yang kita memang perlu kumpulkan segala kekuatan yang ada dalam diri kita untuk hadapinya.

Jangan cakap tak boleh,
Sebab Allah tak kan uji hambaNya luar dari kemampuan seseorang itu.

Orang kata, jangan expect lebih. Tapi bila kita ala kadar , umpama macam effort kita tu tak kelihatan pulak. Bila kita nak jadi pejuang untuk setiap inci sayang dalam hati kita tu, bila tak  menjadi nanti kita lah yang paling terluka.

Aku selalu tertanya,
Untuk saat ni,saat yang aku rasa aku dah jumpa yang paling terbaik yang aku nak simpan wlaupun penuh dengan kekurangan sama seperti diri aku.

kita berbeza. but sometimes we can meet at one point. Despite all the flaws,heartbreaks,the fights,kita masih berdiri di tempat yang sama. Dan rasa itu masih dalam,rasa kita.

Bila aku rasa,ini yang paling aku nak.
Aku takut,yang satu hari ia tak kemana. Tapi doa tetap aku pohon agar apa yang aku miliki kini kekal untuk selamanya.

The only choice I have is,To try my best in my sickness and in health,in happiness and despair and leave the rest to god

Andaikata ia terputus di tengah jalan,Sebak tu memang sebak.Sakit tu memang sakit. Pedih tu memang pedih.


Memang waktu itu,dia lah jodoh engkau.Dia lah satu satu nya jodoh engkau untuk kau beri segala rasa yang kau nak simpan hingga hujung nyawa engkau. Hanya, jodoh yang milik engkau pada masa itu tak panjang. Sebab mungkin, jodoh kau yang panjang ialah dengan orang lain. Tujuan Allah beri ni, ialah untuk kau belajar.