Thursday, 29 November 2012
Kelemahan kita di mata orang lain.
Posted by Anne at 21:15 0 comments
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Some friends come and go.

Have you ever had that one friend, who used to be extremely close to you. Till that very one time, all of a sudden, without anything went wrong, they disappear just like that. As if, you never should call them a friend in the first place.
It's ironic to me
Sure, I've been in that phase of life before. When a group of girls made a promise that they will be there for each other at all times. I kept that promise as much as I can, but some of them turns out to be the one's I hate the most for backstabbing me. Best friends much ? errr.
Scratch that. What I'm trying to say is,
Sometimes, friends come and yes they'll go.
Walaupun bukan dalam cara yang menyakitkan. Why ? Because they moved on. Kawan ni, kalau dulu kita kawan dengan dia, and boleh bergelak tawa, rapat macam belangkas pun, bila satu hari masing masing ada life masing masing dekat university ke, college ke, apa ke, tak semuanya boleh stick macam dulu.
I didn't say each and everyone of them. I said, tak semua boleh do that.
Masih ada yang boleh maintain rapat macam dulu, that's what I respect the most. I don't call them bestfriends, I call them true friends. Effing true friends.
Rasa awkward. Bila kawan yang rapat. Yang setiap inci masalah engkau dulu dia tahu, suka duka kau gelak macam bagai nak rak dan menangis bagai semua dgn dia, tiba tiba boleh macam tak keep in touch. Masing masing menyepi. Sampai rasa nak contact balik pun, macam.. Taktau sebab untuk apa. Kalau nak bercerita balik pun, ada 890 mini episod yang tak dikongsi sama sama macam dulu. Bila fikir kan, rasa awkward. Macam mana dulu boleh rapat macam apa, tapi bila masing masing dah ketempat lain lain, dah macam apa hubungan berkawan tu pun tak pasti.
Dulu lah awkward. Sekarang telan lepastu buat bodoh. Tahu sebab apa ?
Sebab, dah adat. Memang kawan datang dan ada yang pergi.
Bukan tak ada effort untuk stay rapat, cuma tak semua org kita boleh stay as great friends. Sebab, bila kita dah besar, makin ramai orang yang kita kenal. Sama macam kawan kita. Mungkin, ada kawan yg lebih baik & lebih memahami dari kita. Sebab tu, dah lama lama, aku tolak tepi je kalau kawan dah tepis suruh blah.
Aku dah tak kuasa nak kisah walaupun kadang kadang bila fikir menyampah jugak.
Dulu, masa lepasan SPM. Cakap je, semua masing masing memang terasa sgt taknak berpisah. Rasa sedih kawan kawan semua sorang kat tempat jin bertendang mana. Sorang segamat, melaka, johor, selangor ke apa. Bila dah lama lama, some of them even just terus lupakan diri masing masing. Dulu boleh berbual mesra bagai, bila dah lama, setakat cakap hi, lepastu bye. Macam tu je.
Ye. Aku dah rasa.
Memang dulu masa lepas SPM, dah tahu kawan mana yang kau boleh bawa sampai kau boleh cakap dia bestfriends ke apa menatang BFF tu semua. Tapi bila kau makin lama, tak semua boleh ke peringkat seterusnya, that is your true friends. Setakat cakap ' oh she's/he's my bestfriend'.
Tapi kalau hanya untuk 4 bulan akan datang, tak payah. Cakap je kawan.
Dulu kalau masa baru sangat nak meneruskan perjuangan masuk college,
kawan masing masing wish best of luck cakap rindu lah apa semua. Kalau boleh tiap tiap hari nak text cakap okay tak kat sana jaga diri etc etc.
Tapi lama lama, benda tu semua lenyap.
Betul tak ? Ye. Memang. Most of it macam tu.
Bila masing masing dah masuk tempat masing masing, jumpa kawan baru. Dah jadi famous, kawan lagi hotsetap ke, coolio ke, ke apa jadah yang dianggap so damn fucking cool. Padahal, it's just cliche. Sampai tak perasan kawan yang kau rapat dulu, hilang macam tu je. Just because kau ada kawan baru.
The weird part is, there are times yang kau tgh susah, baru kau ingat kawan lama engkau.
Like, what the hell happen?
No. I'm not trying to discriminate how friendships can come and go that easy.
What I'm trying to express is sometimes I miss the one's that shares everything with me.
For instance, this one bestfriend.
Dulu, semua cerita panjang lebar tahu. Ketawa macam nak mampus, menangis bila frust. Sampai orang luar yang tak tahu menahu macam mana kita get along pun boleh cakap, 'korg true friends gila babi kan'.
Sekarang. Berubah. I don't even know why.
Tapi takpayah tanya lah, dah tahu kenapa.
Sebab manusia boleh berubah. Dan manusia senang sangat lupa.
Kita pun,tak boleh paksa manusia ingat kita or even rapat dengan kita macam dulu.
Cuma manusia yang ada effort untuk take care each other itu yang betul betul memahami. People who knows my weakness, who knows what I hate, what a fucking annoying attitude I have at times when I'm pissed off. Yang pergi tu, I don't have to question myself anymore.
As I grew up, I know that friends don't stay permanent through out your whole life.
Only some of them. True ones.
Cuma bila tengok balik gambar gambar, rasa tersenyum sorang sorang. Rupanya dulu aku rapat kan dengan dia ni, tapi sekarang entah macam mana. Yes, I miss them. But mostly, I miss that 'one',whom I shared everything. And thankyou for the ones that stayed after all those years ♥

True friends.
The ones that are always there for you, even after months of not seeing each other you know that your friendship won’t be affected -the type of friendships you can pick up where you left and just continue.
Those friends who can always make you laugh. The ones that you are so comfortable around, that you can just be yourself.
The ones that DON’T judge you, even when you pull the ugliest faces, have the most rediculous laugh, say the dumbest things, You know that they will always love you no matter what.
They are the friends who will call you names but you know that deep down they love you anyway,even if they don’t want to admit it.
And they are Those friends,The ones You can’t live without. They are usually the people you would never think to be the ones who would be by your side at the very end, they were always there from the beginning but they just never left, like the ones that said they wouldn’t leave but did.
Posted by Anne at 14:22 0 comments
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
My Idea Of A Perfect First Date.
To be honest, I am not the type of girl who fancy super classy romantic first dates. You may think that I want a classy money throwing first date, but actually, all I want is nothing more, than a wonderful time spent together. In my case, if I can think of on a first perfect date is : I want something sweet, yet something worth to remember for.
And sometimes, I think it's the best date yang tak payah lontar duit
berlambak lambak macam kau bawak RM 10 20 cukup je lah :) Berapa duit yang kau habis tu tak penting, yang penting masa yang kau habiskan dgn orang yang kau sayang kan. Tu pendapat aku la. Tapi ada orang suka yang fancy pergi makan high class semua yg dia boleh classify kan as romantic, tu lantak kau la.

1. Take me out for a drink
2. You and I we scream for Ice - cream :)
I think it's sweet, when your date takes you out for an ice cream treat. Lagi lagi bila kau tgh tension. Kalau, kalau la eh ada orang nak belanja aku ice cream, aku tak kisah lah ice cream baskin robins ke apa menatang even ice cream satu cone rm 1.50 pun aku on je ok aku bukan nye materialistik. Cuba jangan input kan dalam otak yang benda murah tak bagi memory yang berharga. Jangan nak berkira. Hmm -.- Ice cream choc mint yang warna hijau, tht's wht I always have in mind when I want some ice cream. Or even vanilla. Sebab tu nama aku dekat ym ohnamievanilly :) Hihi.
3. Do something together.
Maksud aku do something together tu tak ada kena mengena dgn check in hotel okay tolong mindset tu ubah sket. HESH ! Hihi. Em. Do something together, tak kira lah pergi bookstore ke together pergi picnic ke apa. Best jugak apa pergi picnic, kau masak ah pape. Sebab orang kata, ways to get into a man's heart is through his stomach. Dan aku rasa untuk stomach sayang aku tu macam banyak sangat memang kena usahakan sebab orang macam dia ni tak pernah kenal erti kenyang aku rasa -.- and dia pon suka makan .
4. Window Shopping.
What I mean by window shopping bukan pergi Ikea or any hardware store shopping tingkap ok. -.- Tu macam confirm bodoh and makan penyepak je. Sebenarnya tak salah, bila kau pokai tgk wallet keluar lalat ke kupu kupu ke kalau keluar tenuk pun tak apa. Window shopping tu kira macam kau browse barang. Saje pusing pusing tgk barang. Spend time jugak kau dgn dia kan. It's fun actually. And ye, kalau aku yang nak window shopping pun, memandangkan aku ni cerewet kan. Aku susah sikit nak cakap 'ye' dekat shopping2 center yang macam crowded terlalu crowded mampat kalah ikan sardin dalam tin. Annoying, and panas ok. Serta merta boleh buat aku fed up and meluat and tah pape. Aku lagi prefer tempat yang chill chill je tak serabut.
The reason aku tak mention pasal watching movies sebenarnye sebab pada 'aku', nak tengok wayang on first day tu macam..hmm.entah. tak prefer kut. Sebab macam kau tgk screen instead of kau betul betul ada communication dengan orang tu. Macam aku lagi rela tgk johnny depp dkt screen dari tgk muka kau macam -.- Jadi sebab tu aku kureng berkenan sikit dgn movies ni lagi lagi kalau baru baru. Ambil masa sikit. Best tgk wayang,tapi lambat sikit la. Kalau kita baru baru lagi, why don't we have a conversation with each other. Kalau betul kau ada interest, kau lagi nak tahu apa yang ada dalam diri org yg kau sayang dari dalam panggung wayang kan.
6. Go For A walk date.
This is the most,senang cerita benda yang aku suka gila. Entah. I don't even know why. It just brings tht great feeling when ur the one you want to spend ur life, walking in the park together, or at the beach for sunset, or even, just anywhere. Walking together.. Somewhere in your heart, you feel so comfortable and secure when ur with him. And to be true, it's the most greatest thing I can cherish. If you will be always by my side sayang:]

You may think that I am a boring person, heck yes. But one thing for sure. Like I said earlier, i dont care anywhere we go, even if it's no where. You should cherish it while you still have. Because not everything stays the same, unless you'll work it out and have effort on it. I don't need any classy money throwing sort of date, what I need was your time, and you beside me.
Posted by Anne at 21:08 0 comments
Value the people who sacrifice their something for you. Because maybe that something was their everything.

Posted by Anne at 14:48 0 comments
Sorry isn't going to fix everything.
Posted by Anne at 14:32 0 comments
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Never compare your love story with those in the movies, because they are written by scriptwriters. Yours is written by God.

It's tough to say I never did it. Because I kept denying it, but I've come to realize at one point, maybe back then, I did compared my past relationships with the other couples that surrounds me. For instance, my circle of friends with their own relationships.
Try picturing yourself in a relationship, or you just don't have to picture it because you're in it. Have you ever felt, there's too much arguing going on. Too much jealousy, too much lack of faith towards your partner, or even, the good love feelings you felt back then starts to fade away. When both of you is trying to find a bad point to argue about against each other, and comparing your relationship with your friend's. Assuming that their relationship is better than yours. Comparing who's much worst, who's the best, and etc etc.
Mesti kau pernah rasa kan, yang kau penat sangat bergaduh. Yang kau rasa semua bibit bibit percintaan dulu zaman nak kenal sesama sendiri tu sifat ceria tu semua lesap dalam sekelip mata. Dulu yang selalu keluar dari mulut masing masing I miss you I love you, akhirnya bertukar menjadi ' We're done, I can't trust you anymore, Who's that girl, Are you having an affair'.

Pernah tak engkau terfikir, yang setiap tangisan yang datang dari pergaduhan tu, boleh menyedarkan kau banyak sangat benda. Aku tahu, yang mungkin perspective cara aku berfikir amatlah lain compared to others. But as I said from my other previous posts, maybe because I am not the type of person who gives up towards people.
Hanya satu sebab kenapa aku tak mudah berputus asa pada orang, sebab aku sendiri taknak orang lain berputus asa terhadap aku. As simple as that.
Mungkin pada orang lain, sekali dah bergaduh besar, cukup. End of relationship. Tapi, sampai bila ? Bila engkau boleh bertukar pasangan sampai genap ke 45 ? Itu dah bukan perasaan, tapi permainan.
Back to the topic. Pernah tak kau terfikir, yang bila tiap tiap kali engkau bergaduh, kau merajuk sesama sendiri. Semua itu peluang untuk engkau memperbaiki relationship yang sedia ada ? Contoh.
Kau bergaduh sebab kau jealous dia berinteraksi dengan perempuan lain. Tapi kau pernah terfikir tak, kalau dekat tempat lain, kau berkawan dengan orang lain yang mungkin boleh buat dia cemburu jugak tapi dia diamkan, sebab pada dia, kau berhak berkawan. Tapi kenapa kau takboleh beri dia benda yang sama in return ? Sebab kau takut dia curang ? Sebab kau takut dia lepaskan kau ?
A real man can't be stolen, unless he wants to
Bila bergaduh, kau mula. Compare kan situasi kau, dengan hubungan hubungan orang sekeliling kau. Lagi lagi, bila kau have this conference with your bestfriends, close friends, whatever you name it.
" How's love life ? "
" Worst. He/she bla bla bla "
" Well at least he/she bla bla bla, unlike mine with him, tut tut tut."
" No,more than that, compared to urs, he/she bla bla bla. "
You see ?
Sometimes, you didn't notice it. But when your trying to express, you're comparing your relationship with entah orang lain perhaps.
Main point : Kenapa I don't think comparing your relationship with others is not a good thing.
In a relationship, you ought to have ups and downs. Macam life, tak semuanya cerah. Macam time kau belajar, tak semuanya senang. Dalam setiap apa yang kau hadapi dalam hidup ni, mesti ada cabarannya, mesti ada rasa susahnya, mesti ada rasa naik dan turunnya. Life is not a bed of roses,that's life. Apatah lagi love. Relationship masing masing, itu masing masing. Tak semua yang engkau dengar dari mulut mereka hal hal percintaan mereka, itu semuanya kata dari hati. Masih ada lagi yang tersimpan, dan tak terungkap.

In every love story, the one that knows the real feeling, the real happiness in it, the real sadness between the beginning and the end of it, is none other than : your one true self.
Kenapa perlu compare kan hubungan engkau dengan yang lain. Dari saat permulaan, yang suka kan dia, engkau. Yang sukakan engkau, dia. Tak pernah involve nya orang yang engkau bandingkan sekarang. Setiap hubungan, ada jatuh dan bangunnya. Antara kau masih jadi orang yang kuat untuk pertahankan atau tidak.
A relationship with the most argument, but still stick with each other, is what they call in love. Sebab macam mana buruk perangai masing masing kuat cemburu ke, kuat bipolar mood ke, kuat meroyan ke, yang orang nampak hanya yang buruk sebab bergaduh.
Tapi, orang nampak tak the good side of it : maintaining a relationship.
Same goes to marriage, tipu kalau kau cakap dalam satu rumah tangga tak ada pergaduhan, walaupun masalah kecil. Ada jugak,tapi takkan lah kalau kau gaduh, kau terus nak bercerai berai, tapi kau tak nak ambil langkah untuk selesaikan. Mana perginya semangat nakkan sesama sendiri masa dulu. Takkan semua tu pudar sekelip mata just because you have him/her already ?
That's not the main point of getting in a relationship. It's about getting her/him and keeping them too. Kalau tak, kemana saja kau nak bawa permainan kau on and off sebegitu ?
Well then here it goes to the elaboration of the title :
Kalau kau tak sepatutnya compare kan relationship kau dengan orang lain, apatah lagi dalam movies. Come on. Dalam cerita tu, semua nak tunjuk yang indah. Yang betul betul in detail dalam setiap hubungan punya ups and downs dia ada tunjuk ke ? Itu semua, kalau tunjuk pun, kalau kau tak kena, kau takkan rasa.
Jadi, tak ada gunanya kau compare kan relationship kau with the movies. Mungkin penulis skrip tu yang tahu rasanya dalam cerita tu,tapi kita mungkin tak semuanya tahu. Cuba kau beri peluang setiap manusia dalam pelusuk dunia ni untuk ceritakan kisah masing masing. You will never know what they have been through. Because you keep comparing how much suckier your relationship gets each day, but you just don't learn to be thankful. For just some people are dying to be in your shoes, having people to cherish and appreciate them, but they just didn't get the chance.
Bila nak buat keputusan untuk pergi, think about it. Setiap orang, ada kelebihan masing masing yang kau takkan jumpa pada orang lain. Mana pergi janji janji engkau.
Bila kau rasa kau kuat cemburu, didik diri sendiri untuk belajar have faith towards each other. As for me, I don't care if he wants to chat around with some chick. As long as I know, at the end of the day, I'm the one who's on his mind. Tak ada sifat mengongkong. Clean, as simple as that.
Keep your relationship strong, for some day you might regret it, perhaps.
Posted by Anne at 11:12 0 comments
It doesn't mean I fake a smile, I'm not strong deep down inside. I'm much more than that

Ainaa Mardhiah, setiap apa yang berlaku sentiasa ada hikmahnya. Jangan berhenti berdoa. Jangan menyerah kalah. You live for a purpose, and the purpose is not giving up. Try harder. Be wiser. Even if it hurts. You can deal with it no matter what. Believe. Believe. And just believe.
Posted by Anne at 10:45 0 comments
Monday, 19 November 2012
Jika Hari Ini Hari Terakhir Aku,

Posted by Anne at 14:59 0 comments